Owner William Morgan
Owner William Morgan


William Morgan "Billy" Benton

Fox and Hound Realty, Inc, founded in 2009 is owned by William “Billy” Morgan Benton. Billy has been in the real estate and property management business in South Carolina and, primarily, Aiken and Aiken County, for 18 years. He is a Paul Harris Fellow in the Aiken Rotary, a Lay Minister in the Episcopal Church of Upper SC, and weekly lector using the 1662 Anglican Book of Common Prayer in the Christ & The Constitution Colonial Presentations.  He is an avid foxhunter and Member of the Aiken Foxhounds with Colors, an Aqua Fitness Instructor & noted History Lecturer for USCA Lifelong Learning Programs and he is a long-time Member and Former President of the Edgefield Historical Society, and Former President of the Aiken Opera Society. 

Billy has been very instrumental in raising and showing Carolina Dogs/American Dingos with his Life Partner, Jane Gunnell, JD. He bred, trained and showed the first Carolina Dog asked to be the Foundation Stock in AKC.   

Billy is Chairman of the Green Boundary Club Croquet Group, as well as a player on the GBC Pickle Ball Team.

Billy is a native of Virginia who came to Aiken, SC, 25 years ago after selling his Defense Automated Bidders Service business in Middleburg, VA. Billy is the Founder of the Virginia Ecological Solutions Foundation A 501 C 3 based in Topping VA.

Billy is certainly well versed in all phases of Aiken the real estate market, and is always available, with Fox and Hound Realty and Property Management and its excellent staff, to assist you in your important home, farm, and land interests and needs. 


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Make and receive payments from the mobile-friendly Online Portal. Directly send funds for owner contributions, including emergency maintenance repairs, renovations, or reserves via eCheck or Debit Card.


Stay connected and informed with built-in messaging, notifications, and emailing tools, all with fully mobile functionality to simplify collaboration. 


Get on-demand access to financial statements, monthly summaries, year-end tax statements, and important documents from anywhere using our robust mobile capabilities.



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Securely pay rent online from anywhere. Set up automatic payments so you always pay on time.


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Easily submit proof of insurance coverage or purchase a policy, right from your portal.

Owner William Morgan
Owner William Morgan


William Morgan "Billy" Benton

Aligned logo

Fox and Hound Realty, Inc, founded in 2009 is owned by William “Billy” Morgan Benton. Billy has been in the real estate and property management business in South Carolina and, primarily, Aiken and Aiken County, for 18 years. He is a Paul Harris Fellow in the Aiken Rotary, a Lay Minister in the Episcopal Church of Upper SC, and weekly lector using the 1662 Anglican Book of Common Prayer in the Christ & The Constitution Colonial Presentations.  He is an avid foxhunter and Member of the Aiken Foxhounds with Colors, an Aqua Fitness Instructor & noted History Lecturer for USCA Lifelong Learning Programs and he is a long-time Member and Former President of the Edgefield Historical Society, and Former President of the Aiken Opera Society. 

Billy has been very instrumental in raising and showing Carolina Dogs/American Dingos with his Life Partner, Jane Gunnell, JD.  He bred, trained and showed the first Carolina Dog asked to be the Foundation Stock in AKC.   

Billy is Chairman of the Green Boundary Club Croquet Group, as well as a player on the GBC Pickle Ball Team.

Billy is a native of Virginia who came to Aiken, SC, 25 years ago after selling his Defense Automated Bidders Service business in Middleburg, VA. Billy is the Founder of the Virginia Ecological Solutions Foundation A 501 C 3 based in Topping VA.

Billy is certainly well versed in all phases of Aiken the real estate market, and is always available, with Fox and Hound Realty and Property Management and its excellent staff, to assist you in your important home, farm, and land interests and needs. 

Company Logo


Fox and Hound Realty, Inc. is a Full-Service Real Estate Brokerage Firm Specializing in Residential Property Management in Aiken South Carolina is owned by William Morgan "Billy" Benton (Broker) and is supported by a dedicated team of Experienced Property Managers and Assistants. Fox and Hound Realty, Inc. is committed to Maximizing your Real Estate Investments. We work to promote Positive Client-Tenant Relations through Clear Communication, Reliable Information, and Personal Service. At Fox and Hound Realty our Interest is our Clients' Interest.

We also focus on serving the Rental housing needs of the Employees, Contractors, and Subcontractors working at the Savannah River Site. With over 250 Rental Properties under Management, we have the Largest Selection of Rental Properties in Aiken.


Photo history of each property

Property Performance Reports to keep you in the loop on your investment.


Regular Property Management and Inspections keep your property in great condition.

Extensive, aggressive local marketing

Effective Marketing & Leasing services keep your properties filled and performing at their peak potential.

Listing inspection and property market analysis

Fairly price the property rental rate and maximize your return

Property showings

We help place tenants in properties that are a great fit for them and their needs.

Financial reporting

Detailed monthly and year end statements and 1099s

Tenant Portal

24/7 secure tenant account access and electronic rent payments

Owner Portal

24/7 secure owner account access

Prompt owner ACH deposits of monthly proceeds

Comprehensive tenant screening

Background, criminal, and eviction history check

Tenant credit and eviction reporting

Tenant renters insurance coverage

Move-in and move-out services

Eviction processing, if necessary


  • What is a listing inspection?

    We complete a walk-thru of the property with you and make suggestions/recommendations with the goal of preventing maintenance calls and costs, i.e. water connections that might be susceptible to leaks and cause damage, any improvements that might increase the rental amount, etc. We also schedule a time for photography taking complimentary photos of your property so that it is best represented in our advertisements.

  • What kind of advertising/marketing do you do for my property?

    We begin marketing your property when we receive a completed management agreement, or in the case of an existing lease, when the tenant provides 30 days’ notice that they will be vacating. As noted in the property management agreement, our leasing fee includes the cost of coordinating and managing the advertising of your property.

  • How long will it take to find a tenant for my property?

    Our goal is to have your home rented as soon as it is available. It does take time to find fully qualified tenants, so it is impossible to predict. Many factors come into play: time of year, location, price, amenities, and overall condition of the property. Pricing the property competitively and making sure your property is in the best condition possible are very important to reducing the amount of time needed. Ultimately, the only thing worse than a vacancy is having the wrong tenant in your property. Know that we are diligent in screening prospects with your best interest in mind.

  • What type of communication should I expect while my property is listed?

    We will contact you as needed to discuss activity, market conditions and advertising results should the property remain vacant for any extended period. We may also call you with questions about accepting certain types of pets or specific requests from prospective tenants.

  • What type of communication should I expect after my property is rented?

    Owners are briefed on policies, minimum lease requirements, pet policy, etc. prior to the execution of the management agreement. In the event, anything comes up that falls outside of those parameters, the property manager will follow up with the owner to discuss or ask for approval, i.e. number of pets allowed, maximum lease length, etc. A copy of the lease is provided at the begging of the lease and available upon request.

    Owners are also notified of any expenditure more than $250 and provided with associated receipts as an attachment to the monthly statement. Monthly statements are emailed and posted to the Owner’s Portal no later than the 15th of the month. In addition, periodic maintenance inspections are conducted upon request, and the results posted to the Owner’s Portal and by email. Please let your property manager know of any additional detail you require.

  • When it comes to tenants, what about pets, smokers, and children?

    Nearly 50% of all renters have pet(s).  We recommend advertising your property as “Pets Negotiable”. You can always say “no” to an applicant if you do not like the age, size or breed of the pets. We do not allow Akita, Chow, Pit-bull, Rottweiler, or any cross breed with wolf, without owner approval and verification that doing so does not violate the owner’s insurance coverage.

    As of 2020, We have added to all leases that all our properties are “Non-Smoking” properties. This rule protects your property from the damage that can be caused by smoke.

    Familial status is protected under Federal Fair Housing laws. We do not discriminate against families or any other protected class.

  • What is your screening process for applicants?

    All applicants must go through a thorough screening process. The very first step is a search of the courthouse records to determine any negative information that would disqualify an applicant before we ever agree to show them the property. The next step includes screening credit, criminal background, employment/income, sex offender, and landlord references. Placing qualified tenants in your property is one of the most important jobs we do as your property manager. If an owner encounters a situation where they need to rent to someone that we do not approve, we may choose to return the property to the owner for management.

  • How much money do we collect from the tenant prior to moving in?

    Before we turn over the keys, all tenants are required to pay the security deposit along with any applicable pet fees and the rent payment.

  • Who pays for utilities?

    Owners should maintain all utilities in their name until advised otherwise by us. Failure to do this could result in additional fees to the owner for utility hook-up inspections. Tenants are expected to set up utilities in their name on or by the first date of occupancy. We also set up a landlord account with the utility companies so that the bill reverts to our business name when a tenant moves out. This prevents unnecessary utility connect fees.

  • What happens if a tenant does not pay rent on time?

    We require tenants to pay their rent online via our secure web site on or before the 1st of each month. If rent payments are not received by the 5th day of the month, we will send a communication to the tenant advising them of their delinquency.  If we are not successful in collecting rents immediately though our contact with the tenant, we will notify you and take steps to secure the rent and/or file eviction proceedings.

  • What happens if a tenant breaks their lease?

    When a tenant breaks the lease prior to its expiration the tenant is responsible for paying the rent, the utility cost and maintaining the property until a new tenant can be found. Associated leasing and marketing fees are also the responsibility of the tenant.

  • What happens when a tenant moves out?

    We conduct thorough move-in/move-out inspections to assess whether a deduction from departing tenants’ security deposit is appropriate and insure the property is ready for incoming tenants. We share the photographs taken at the time of the inspection as well as a detailed inspection report. 

  • When should I expect an owner’s monthly draw?

    We will process owner draws in most cases on or before the 10th of the month. Holidays can sometimes cause a processing delay due to timing of funds clearing the bank. The preferred and quickest method to receive your monthly draw is via ACH deposit, which can be set-up through your property manager. In addition, we email a monthly owner’s statement at the time we disburse funds and annual  comprehensive statement and 1099 at the end of the year.

  • Do I need to do anything to my home insurance policy?

    All owners are advised to contact their insurance agent to determine if any change in coverage is warranted.  In addition, it is extremely important to make your insurance company aware that the property is being rented to insure ongoing coverage.

    Tenants are advised that the owner’s insurance does not protect their personal belongings and require that tenants obtain a renter’s insurance policy through a 3rd party or they may purchase insurance offered through Quartermaster Properties.

  • Who handles tenant problems or emergency maintenance issues late at night or after office hours?

    Our staff is always available to our tenants.  When an emergency call is received, we will determine the severity of the problem and dispatch the needed service. If an issue arises during the night, owners will be advised via email with a follow up call the following morning. We define an emergency as a fire, flood or any dangerous or hazardous situation.

  • What is your staff availability for owners?

    We are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST and are happy to handle owner questions and assist you in any way we can. Non-emergency inquiries and calls received outside of normal working hours are addressed on the following workday.

    Under special situations, vacant properties can be shown to prospects by appointment outside of normal office hours.


Call Now 803-649-0045

Fox And Hound Realty, Inc.

A Virtual Property Management Company

Secure Mailing Address

262 Eastgate #342

Aiken, SC 29803

New Physical Location

306 Laurens Street NW

Suite 130

Aiken, SC 29801

803-649-0045 Office

803-215-6166 Broker Cell 

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